Showing posts with label Frankie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankie. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week Catch Up/ OOTD/ Frankie & More

TGI-the weekend!!

I have so much to catch up on!

This is major random ... so I'm apologizing in advance!

This past week was so beautiful here in KY,  so we had to enjoy it and be outside a little ...

I got some flowers for our back patio, busted out the patio furniture and cushions and got it all spiffed up for Spring :)

We went to the park on Wednesday night and had a picnic with the kids
(I just spelled that picnik because I'm so used to typing that and then had to correct myself hahahaha!)
Picked up KFC (their choice ha) and ate on a blanket, enjoyed the weather and then played at the park for a while! So fun!

 I've picked up a few new Easter things for the house... still need to pull out my old stuff but these little knick knack patty whacks were too cute to pass up from Pier 1 ... LOVE all their Easter stuff!

Love the bunnies! I had to refrain myself because I could have bought every single solitary Easter thing in that store! If you go... you've been warned :)

I decided to wear white for the first time this year ... I am a skeptic of it usually... but loved this shirt!

 Jeans: JCrew Skinnies
Cowboy Boots: 1883's
Shirt: Lily Pulitzer Spring Collection -
Elsa Top Ruffles
Found here...

Now let's talk about Frankie... let's be honest... he is pretty popular, always has been, and we can not hide that ;)

Yes he is a taddddd spoiled maybe... but I just love that everyone knows who "Frankie" is if they know me, and even think of him while they're shopping!

Example - one of my friends/clients sent me a text saying she thought of us when she saw this shirt and that I needed to go get it ASAP ...

How funny is that shirt!? Two of my favorite things... Frankie and the KY Wildcats! hahhaha
Loves it!!!! Thanks Kristin!! :)

Speaking of this little shit angel... I have been sleeping terrible recently! My new featherbed and bedding came in (seperate post about this! It's amazing!!) and it has helped a bit... but I think I finally realized why I keep waking up exhausted ...

Take a look ...  

This is what I wake up to ... Chris thinks it's funny.... me, not so much. Frankie literally sits right on my chest and licks my mouth, face, lays down on my chest and snores in my face, walks all on my body in the middle of the night, digs at my blankets trying to "make a bed" ... he is TOTALLY out of control! I love him more than anything on this planet ha but this has to end bless his heart! :(

I have seen fellow bloggers doing photo jewelry dumps ... super cute!
So I thought tonight as I was getting a spray tan and taking my jewelry off, it would be a good time to do one.. however I forgot to take it in Instgram :( So it's not as cute! 

Michael Khors watch, Pandora Bracelet, David Yurman Opal Bracelet, JCrew Tortoise Shell Cuff, JCrew Turtle/Diamond gold long necklace, Moon & Lola Block Initial Necklace.

OK Lastly ...

We need to talk about this...

 ***Warning... if for some reason you haven't watched the finale of PLL (not to be mistaken for PinkLouLou, but Pretty Little Liars ha) and it's still on your DVR , DO NOT READ FURTHER***

I will start by saying I am OBSESSED with this show.

I don't know how you could watch one single episode and not be so obsessed that you literally can't wait until the next Monday. It is that good. If you don't watch it, you need to watch the past seasons and then catch up in time for next season this Summer! :) You won't regret it.

So now that you know how much I love the show, I will say, I was a little disappointed with the revealing of "A"

All along I thought it was this cray-cray girl ...

Then towards the end in the last couple episodes, I really thought it could have been her...

Never one time (before the last show) did I EVER think A was Mona... ???

It just didn't make sense to me and I was thinking it was just going to be something bigger!
Now I know at the end, someome still appears to be "A" visiting her in the loony bin ... but I still was a little disappointed.

Anyone else feel this way?

I still however, will be counting down the days until the Summer season starts!! Ahh!! Can't wait!!

Tomorrow is a big day...

my CATS play to go to the final four when if they WIN!!  :)

#BBN, #Wildcatforlife, #BeatBaylor

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Bracket & Randoms

Today I took a day off (kinda) and watched basketball, was lazy with Chris and Frankie, and ate so many SweetTart Jelly Beans I literally could vom right now
(and I'm supposed to be on a diet since the pool will be here before we know it!)

However, it was a fun, much needed, relaxing day...

Somebody was so lazy today he barely got out of bed!! :)

Speaking of basketball... I wanted to post my bracket before the games started so everyone would know I didn't cheat (because, knock on wood, my bracket is usually pretty good!) ... but that didn't happen. So you'll just have to take my word for it ;)

Before we get to that... I feel like everyone should take a moment and read
from last year on my Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Coach Cal :)
It's pretty good!

With that said... here is a horrible pic of my bracket... (sorry!)

Because it's so bad and you can't see, I'll go ahead and tell yall, the CATS are going all the way!!!
I can feel it!

And yes I highlight when a team wins, ha, OCD much? Yes, that's me. I love bracket time!
Last year I won some $ from the office pool ... this year I just want bragging rights that my bracket will be higher than Chris's on  :)

Congrats Wildcats on your win today! Can't wait to cheer them on on Saturday at the YUM Center!

Ok... I've been obsessed with the side pony braid....

It is the easiest, quick thing to do to my hair right now. How do you feel about it?

With this awesome weather we have been experiencing, along with the fact that we are going to NYC in a few weeks and then it will be Keeneland and THEN Easter (my favorite holiday) right after that... I have been trying my hardest to do minimal Spring shopping (since we are going to NYC and I am sure I will want to bring the house down there with shopping!)... but I have done the annual Spring Lilly run thru and here are a few things I'm obsessed with and ordered/ordering :)

The Elsa Top ... LoVe!

The Ellie Top ... love all the different colors this comes in!

The Belle Top Solid ... so cute! Comes in pink too.
OBSESSED with these wedges!!! So freaking cute!

Lastly... someone sent me an email today with a little thing I wanted to share:

Always Say A Prayer

You can say this quick, little (but powerful) prayer over your own home, your own family, or pass along to someone you know who might need some healing. I thought it was sweet to share and you just never know who may be in need of it :) XO

"God, our Father, If it is your will, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus name, Amen."

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursdays News!

Hello Thursday (and February for that matter!)
Thanks goodness it's almost Friday... this week has been nuts for me... worked like crazy... had 3 closings (woohoo!) and possibly a 4th one tomorrow, still waiting to hear!

First an foremost... it's Groundhog Day... I had no idea that today was the day... even though to be totally honest I don't believe in that crap anyway and here is a pic to prove it ha ;)

Kind of hard to believe 6 more weeks of winter when it is like 58 degrees today in sunny KY and feeling good! :) Love it!!

Shout out to some of my wonderful clients who closed this week ....

Congratulations Darius and Larissa (and their 3 sweet babies!) on the purchase of your new home!!


Congrats to Ian & Marina on the purchase of their first home!! :) YAY!

(both pics stole from Fbook, hope you don't mind lol!)


I am so excited to let you know about something I have ordered that I have been trying to find for MONTHS and thanks to Miss Katie, over at KC&CO ... I found one!!
If you haven't already you must go and enter her give away! 

 Because I am not a big twitter-er and I felt the chances of my winning were slim to none (sorry normally I am not a glass half empty kinda gal ha) AND because my patience got the best of me, I have gone ahead and ordered a
Camera Strap by Snappy Strap Designs!

How cute is that?

I am so excited about this! Best $30 ever. I use my camera 24/7 and this will be so much cuter than the regular normal ole' strap. Plus it has a little pocket for your lens cap!

They have lots of colors and patterns. All adorable! Could be a cute Valentine's Day gift idea!! :)

Speaking of Valentine's Day I found the BEST shirt to wear for Chris that day hahahaha but I can't reveal it now because I am saving it for a suprise :) Shhh....

Ok next important news I heard today...

Remember this pretty lady?

Yes that is Emily Maynard from Brad's Bachelor Season.. and today I heard the news that she is starting filming as the next Bachelorette!!!
(If you think this is a joke like I originally did, read People's article HERE)

Now I have mixed feelings about this... I absolutely LOVED her when she was on the show... I thought her story was so sweet, she was adorable and so pretty, Brad loved her... it was perfect. Then as soon as I saw the After the Rose show (anybody remember this?) I thought wow, she is bi-polar and evil, and I felt bad for Brad kind of!! Well I guess they couldn't work things out, and now she will try her luck with 25 guys... I won't pretend and lie to you and say I won't watch, because we all know I will ha!

Today is my friend, Kim's, birthday!!
Happy Birthday Kimmie!
We have been friends for... hmm... 19 years... ? DaNg! Is that right Kim? hahaha Sounds so old!!

In honor of your bday I thought I would post a couple old school pics for you... :)

Andddd.... just in case you forgot about the card Frankie got you last year for your bday, or you've somehow accidentally misplaced it, I just so happened to have a pic of it... lucky you!! :)


(Ahhhhh, I have no clue why this pic won't rotate! It is driving me crazy I've been trying to do it for 15 min. SORRY! Can you turn your head this one time? haha)

Frankie's best birthday card he's given to date! Love it!
Hope your Birthday is fabulous just like you are Kim!! XOXO

Ok off to the gym and run errrands...
PS. Grey's is new tonight, you're welcome :)
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Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hello Friends!

This has been a crazy week... let me start with the fact that I am a tad depressed... the Santa header and Christmas music is officially gone (doens't it seem a little blah now?) and next is tackling taking down my Christmas decor still up in my house, tomorrow! I dread taking everything down, but am ready to get the house back in tip top shape and clean!!

Secondly, I have not had time to blog about it this week just with everything going on, BUT...
my baby had surgery yesterday...

This was him on the way to surgery yesterday morning :( So Sad!
(Note: Of course I packed his bed, his fave toys, two blankies, and his "sleeping bag" which is his most favorite thing to lay on ha!)

For the last couple of months he has been pee-peeing ALL over the place, like little pees here and there, just everywhere! He pees outside, then comes in and pees 15 minutes later. I had been getting after him thinking he was just being mad or something. I decided to take him to his Dr. this past Saturday because I thought maybe he was getting a UTI or something? They did tests and found no infection... then decided to do an Xray and found (gasp!) not 1, but 4 kidney stones!! :(

Long story short, two of them were really bad.... they are called Calcium Oxide crystal stone that look like this... Brace Yourself ha!

Ugh.. doesn't that just look painful?
Don't worry, if you're thinking you would like to see the real thing, you just might get to haha!
When I spoke to his doctor yesterday after surgery he said he saved them for me...
Gee, thanks! Just what I wanted... bahahaha

And just because I know you are DYING to know the deets ;)

Here is the pic... A little graphic... no kids haha

LOL don't you have a good visual now?

Two stones, one in the bladder and one in the urethra ... poor poor baby.... he will have stitches all up his little belly and privates :( So Sad!

The surgery went well!
(thanks to all my Fbook friends and your prayers!)
He will be staying there and in recovery for about 4-5 days... I miss him so much, I woke up a million times last night looking for him ha. (Crazy dog mom, fine, whatever, I know!) :)

In conclusion... do any of you lovelies need to buy a house? I will need a sale to pay for this little trip to the O.R. hahahaha jk, but in real life, little sick Frankie is NOT cheap let me just tell you!

Please keep him in your little prayers until he is safe and healed and home :) Thank you! XO

Ok Ok...onto something a little more entertaining & a little less graphic you say?...

Sure thing!

My latest obsession from Marley Lilly ....

That pic is from their facebook page... I saw it last night and died. Love those!
The best part.. they are only $49.99! Say Wha??? Yea that's what I said.

That pic is with chocolate thread color, the white is cute too, but I went with the chocolate.

I also FINALLLY ordered a cell phone case for my new iPhone 4S :)
There were wayyy too many choices for me, but I opted for one that is bright and happy (will be cute in the Summer and cheer me up in the yucky Winter ha!)

This is the one I ordered... can't wait to get it... can't believe I've gone this long without a case and my phone hasn't broken (knock on wood)!

Can't wait for my order to come in!! :)

Off to a closing for some wonderful clients!!
Have a great Thursday!

PS... Need your bloggy help... I have lots of good clothes and accessories I am needing to clear out of my closet.. and am thinking of doing a sale on my blog??? Has anyone done this ... had luck ... hated it? Loved it? Do people buy from other people on blogs? I have seen some before and wondering if I should try? Suggestions PLEASE!!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh, How Pinteresting Monday! (a day late, sorry lol)

This has been a crazy busy week! Houses are selling... yayyy! I have (hopefully, cross your fingers, don't jinx me!) sold 3 houses this week! So excited! :)

I thought with the house excitement I am having right now, I would focus this Pinteresting Day on some fun ideas for your house! (Of course there are a few off topic ones too! I couldn't resist!)

Let's start with things for your house....

What a great idea is this? And I saw these frames at Hobby Lobby not too long ago... they had black also. I am seriously doing this... at least on our 1st floor because it is in the hallway next to our bedroom and Chris might not get too upset that it is "girly" looking :) Love it! So cute!

This is screaming my name!
I am constantly picking stuff up and taking it to the steps to be carried back up by whomever brought it down ha! This is cute and I think I could find some even cuter baskets! Love this!

Dying! This is so creative and looks adorable.
Spray Paint Silverware!
I wonder if it would come off in the dishwasher? Must try this too!

With mounting flatscreens being all the go now, this is really an awesome idea for a more formal room or just to make it look a little more appealing! I love it! Doubt I can talk Chris into this ha, but I love it anyway!

I just thought this was so sweet... lyrics to your wedding song.... on a canvas... and then hang in a hall or your bedroom! So Presh!

As you know, I  have a MAJOR obsession with awesome amazing kitchens... I have seen so many and save pictures from everywhere, but this one caught my eye and I loved it! Could that possibly be the largest island you have ever seen? So jealous!

Speaking of kitchens... this is my TOTAL dream sink!!!! Hand hammered, over sized copper sink! I would give up something big to have this ha! I am overly obsessed with it! Anything copper I love, and this is beautiful! (not a fan of the cabinets though, would look much cuter with something different!)

Brace Yourself........

O.M.G has anyone seen this??
Spray Glitter... for Fall Decor... Ummm love it!!
If I find this, I will spraying everything in sight hahaha, Frankie better watch out ;)

This is adorable for a laundry room...
What a wonderful idea! You could do a cuter ribbon or string and glam it up a bit... but it's super cute!

And this is for two of my favorite people who just found out they are preggo!!!!!.... If it's a girl that is....

How precious is this nursery?
What little girl doesn't need to be treated like Cinderella from the moment they come home? Lol, no brainer!

This is a fun idea for the kids... make a placemat! Paper and then have it laminated or you could probably find them online somewhere.. then they can use dry erase or washable markers and draw about their day while you're making dinner! So cute!

This is just such a good idea for outside! I would love to have this! I guess you could use that same plumbing for your hose... and hook up this little mini sink! Perfect for BBQ's or just the kids being outside. I love this! Maybe next year we will try :)

Ok now these are not home related... just love them and got excited to share!

OPI "Expresso"
Love this! Always like the dark colors for Fall anyway but this one has a little shimmer :)

How great is this Polyvore for a cute Fall outfit?
Love this! And I already have that watch so I'm one step ahead :)

I am on the hunt to find Frankie a brother or Christmas... and also simultaneously trying to convince Chris that Frankie would be more well behaved... (Kim, Emily or Chrissy if you are reading this I know what you're thinking... I am a bad mom and need to beat him ha, but this will work I just know it!) He needs someone to play with, and entertain him while we're gone during the day. And also someone to get some of his attention besides him being obsessed (that's putting it mildy) with me!

So I really want a "Jiggy"... Lisa Vanderpumps's sweet boy haha He is so cute!

He is so cuddly, even Ken doesn't mind carrying him around :)

Don't you think him and Frankie looks cute next to each other too???....

I think so! They would be perfect siblings! I think it would solve all of Frankie's problemos!
 (not that he has a lot, don't get the wrong impression, he is an angel most of the time, lol)

So my search for a "Jiggy" has started! I will update as the progress is made, lol ;)
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