Hello Thursday (and February for that matter!)
Thanks goodness it's almost Friday... this week has been nuts for me... worked like crazy... had 3 closings (woohoo!) and possibly a 4th one tomorrow, still waiting to hear!
First an foremost... it's Groundhog Day... I had no idea that today was the day... even though to be totally honest I don't believe in that crap anyway and here is a pic to prove it ha ;)
Kind of hard to believe 6 more weeks of winter when it is like 58 degrees today in sunny KY and feeling good! :) Love it!!
Shout out to some of my wonderful clients who closed this week ....
Congratulations Darius and Larissa (and their 3 sweet babies!) on the purchase of your new home!!
Congrats to Ian & Marina on the purchase of their first home!! :) YAY!
(both pics stole from Fbook, hope you don't mind lol!)
I am so excited to let you know about something I have ordered that I have been trying to find for MONTHS and thanks to Miss Katie, over at KC&CO ... I found one!!
If you haven't already you must go and enter her give away!
If you haven't already you must go and enter her give away!
Because I am not a big twitter-er and I felt the chances of my winning were slim to none (sorry normally I am not a glass half empty kinda gal ha) AND because my patience got the best of me, I have gone ahead and ordered a
Camera Strap by Snappy Strap Designs!
How cute is that?
I am so excited about this! Best $30 ever. I use my camera 24/7 and this will be so much cuter than the regular normal ole' strap. Plus it has a little pocket for your lens cap!
They have lots of colors and patterns. All adorable! Could be a cute Valentine's Day gift idea!! :)
Speaking of Valentine's Day I found the BEST shirt to wear for Chris that day hahahaha but I can't reveal it now because I am saving it for a suprise :) Shhh....
Ok next important news I heard today...
Remember this pretty lady?
Yes that is Emily Maynard from Brad's Bachelor Season.. and today I heard the news that she is starting filming as the next Bachelorette!!!
(If you think this is a joke like I originally did, read People's article HERE)
Now I have mixed feelings about this... I absolutely LOVED her when she was on the show... I thought her story was so sweet, she was adorable and so pretty, Brad loved her... it was perfect. Then as soon as I saw the After the Rose show (anybody remember this?) I thought wow, she is bi-polar and evil, and I felt bad for Brad kind of!! Well I guess they couldn't work things out, and now she will try her luck with 25 guys... I won't pretend and lie to you and say I won't watch, because we all know I will ha!
Today is my friend, Kim's, birthday!!
Happy Birthday Kimmie!
We have been friends for... hmm... 19 years... ? DaNg! Is that right Kim? hahaha Sounds so old!!
In honor of your bday I thought I would post a couple old school pics for you... :)
Andddd.... just in case you forgot about the card Frankie got you last year for your bday, or you've somehow accidentally misplaced it, I just so happened to have a pic of it... lucky you!! :)