Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Golf Birthday & Papaw

My brother's birthday was over Easter weekend... my papaw and aunt & uncle come up to visit and go to Keeneland every year around his birthday so we can all be together and celebrate :)
My brother is obsessed with golfing. He played golf in school. Loves it.
His girlfriend found these cupcakes on Pinterest and I just thought they were too cute not to share... If you have a golfer in your life... you should try them! They were a hit :)

Is that the cutest thing you've ever seen or what? Love them! My brother was so excited :)
Leslie did an awesome job!
Email me or comment if you want the directions and I'll get them from her!

We went to Bonefish for dinner...

Me, my Papaw and Chris

In case you need a refresher on my 87 year old, amazingly funny Papaw, click HERE hahaha

The girls looked adorable :)

My brother had a great dinner! Then we went to our house for a mini party :)

Leslie (Chris's gf), Chris, his friend Preston, and his gf

Photo Op ... Aunt Cathy, Papaw and my momma :) So cute.

My brother went to blow out his candle, and right before he went to blow it out ... Jake did it for him
hahahaah too funny. Jake is obsessed with my brother, and like wise Chris loves him too, so it was pretty funny.

Little stinker! ha.  
So glad Chris had a great birthday!
Love you brother!  <3

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Mimi!

Today is Chris's mom, Cathi's, (aka Mimi which is what the kids call her) birthday!!
Did you follow all that? ha

We celebrated yesterday at our house... and actually had a birthday/valentine's day party which was so much fun! We were so happy to have everyone over to hang out, eat, open presents & watch the game!

I made little Valentine's Day goodie bags for all the kids...

We had lots of balloons and fun presents...
(Lex peeps, the Party Store on Nicholasville Rd has those red mylar balloons 20 for $10! Can't beat it if you're having a Valentine's Day party or just want to decorate your casa up a bit!)

Look at these super cute birthday plates... Katie I thought of you as soon as I saw them ha!!
You will need these for your next birthday bash I think! :)

Cathi LOVES the beach.. I'm talkin loves it! They go to Florida all the time and it is for sure their favorite thing to do... so I opted for a cute beach theme cake :) Seashells, sand, flip flops, palm trees... Precious!

Of course I can't take the credit... but the talented ladies at Confused Confections can :)
I don't need to tell you for the umpteenth time how amazzzzing they are because if you read my blog regularly then you already know since we get probably one cake a month hahahaha!

The birthday girl making her wish! :)

Opening her presents... we got her the cute Happy Everything Plate and some fun attachments for the top... if you have seen these before they are normally white with all different color polka dots, which to be honest was always just a little much for me... too much color idk... but I always wanted one just didn't like that bright of one. Well I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that because literally they JUST came out with this new one... tan with white dots... and it is SOOO cute!! :)

Chris's dad got her a tablet that looked so awesome... I know she will enjoy that at the beach! :)

I mentioned before, the kids Dyson vacuum I saw at one of my client's houses... and I knew Chris's nephew would die over it because he is obsessed with vacuums! Well we gave it to him for Vday and he loved it so much I couldn't even get a great pic because he was running around vacuuming everything LOL ... but here is one...

It literally is a mini replica of our Dyson. So funny. Even picks up a few crumbs. Love it!
(Got it from

Lastly, since I think almost everyone should have gotten their Valentine's Day card we sent... I want to show it to you! Another Pinterest idea, can't take all the credit... however I did take the pic, then make the card myself on Publisher then ran up to Kinkos and printed them out on 5x7 cardstock for dirt cheap... then mailed :)

They are so darn cute...

Hahahaha how funny is that?
Happy Early Valentine's Day :)

and ...
Happy Birthday Cathi :)
I am so blessed to have you in my life and thankful for your always fun, positive, loving, and uplifting attitude! I am thankful beyond words that I have you as a (basically) Mother In Law and so happy we are so close! Love you! XO - Dana 

Check back tomorrow for a little Pinterest time!

PS. Desperate Housewives was new tonight but I am DVR'ing it so therefor not getting on facebook tonight because I don't want it ruined lol! 

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl, Baby Shower, Cakes, Oh My! :)

(Warning... LOTS of pictures in this post, you've been warned lol!)

Call me crazy...

But there were basically two reasons why I cared about watching the Super Bowl tonight...
Reason #1 - Miranda and Blake Singing "America the Beautiful"

I LOVE them! Loved her pink microphone, she looked so pretty, and he so handsome!
If you missed it watch it here...
(Just to note, Kelly Clarkson was pretty amazing too, she killed it, love her!)

Reason #2 - Tom Brady


No explanation needed, just look at the pic haha. He is so cute, right up there with David Beckham in my book (and of course my handsome BF ha!)

Meanwhile, Frankie sure did enjoy the Puppy Bowl ...

hahahaha he sat right up and watched them and growled and barked, it was hysterical!
next year he needs to be in the Puppy Bowl, wonder how you go about signing up for that? lol

My favorite thing of the week...
With Valentine's Day right around the corner... if you are in need of an idea to tell your honey... no need to ask, I am here to help! ;)

I am in love with comfy pajama pants, and sadly enough, when I find a pair I really like, it is very likely I will buy every single color so that I can rotate!
(Don't judge, they can be hard to find!)

Feast your eyes on my new loves...

Lace-Waist Lounge Pant PINK! by Victoria's Secret
$34.50 ... come in pink, grey, blue and black... literally the softest most comfortable lounge pant I have ever purchased and I am obsessed with them! The lace is so cute and comfy too, not itchy.
You will love them!

Beautiful Baby Shower ...
Yesterday was one of my BFF's since high school, Emily's, baby shower we have been planning for (see this post) for months and I must say, it turned out so fabulous!

Emily looked gorgeous, the decor was beautiful, the food AMAZING, the most presents one has ever seen at a shower were opened (we had to have a half time break I am not joking) and oh, don't think I forgot.. the cake was BEAUTIFUL and delicious and I had my first experience ordering cake pops and oh my they were so cute!! Here are some pics so far from the day...
(Thanks Katie, I stole some of yours!)

It was a "Sip and See" theme... very delicate and beautiful with tea cups and flowers and such :)

Beautiful tea cups, flowers, pink lemonade, paper pom poms, silver tea sets = classic decor

The food was amazing... catered locally by Season's Catering, they were so great!
1. Pimento Cheese Mini's
2. Vegetable Lettuce something that little nuts and a sauce in it ??
3. Chicken and Cilantro Poppers
4. Asparagus and Cheese wraps
5. Mini Twice Baked Potatos (O.M.G I could not stop eating these!)
6. Mini Crab Cakes... literally melted in your mouth! Were my favorite!

Another outstanding job by my favorite cake place, Confused Confections Bakehouse
Cake Pops with pink glitter and then pink drizzle on white chocolate... and pink rice krispy treats with the babie's initials on them! Then check out this beautiful cake...

How pretty is that? Loved it! Those ladies are to talented... and it tasted just as good as it looked!!

Sweet Mama with some of her million presents, lol


Katie made this cute tea pot pottery pieces to give away as favors to our guests... they were so cute!! 

Played a fun game of guess what was in the bag related to babies!! Such a good idea!

Katie also made the letters for Lila's room and this painting above that all the guests stamped their thumb print on ... I love this... once she is born she is going to go back and put her weight, height, date of birth, etc to have all her info on there! Such a wonderful idea!

Emily and her mom, Julie (my fave!) :)

Emily & her mother in law, Christine : )

Anne & her mama!

Me as the offical cake cutter ha!

Daddy Bobby getting prepared with the new car seat haha!

Some randoms of guests...

I think we deamed this the prettiest bow on all the gifts maybe? Em it's a great picture of you!

And the new Mama and Daddy to be :)
(In case anyone is wondering, Emily's super cute dress is from Target! I know people will ask! How cute is it? Love the belt too!)

Shew! What a party! So fun to celebrate baby Lila!! :)
Love you Emily!! XOXO

I am doing a seperate post tomorrow on Emily's gift from me... as it goes with my Pinterest Monday blog posts ... and I want to give a major shout out to the Etsy store!! :) So check back tomorrow!!

PS. I guess my team lost? Poor Tom :(  
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies Galore!

Thank goodness no babies for me if that is what you were thinking haha not right now at least!
But I feel like EVERYONE is preggo these days!! Which is so exciting and I am so happy for all my friends and their great news! What is more fun to buy besides baby clothes??
(ok besides shoes and makeup and purses maybe lol I know that's what yall were thinking right??)

My sweet friend Kelly is expecting a baby boy in December and she looks amazing!! <3

Is she the cutest little preggers girl ever or what?
One round belly and a new cute short haircut, and that's about all that has changed! Lucky lady!
(ignore me, I look uber gross in this pic, was super tired that morning!!)

Sunday was her baby shower/brunch and it was so pretty so I knew you would want to see pics!

It was in the Malones Banquet Room and Kelly's mom had a "Clothes Pin Line" theme which was super cute! All the hostess brought gifts that could be hung on the line to show and for decoration. It was absolutely adorable!

We drank Apple Cider from Boyd's Orchard that was so yummy (must remember to get some for Thanksgiving this year!)

We had a mix of breakfast food and other snacks, but of course the best part was the chocolate fountain! :)

Kelly's mom gave each guest a gift when they left... a caramel apple from Boyd's Orchard with a sweet little thank you note on it! Great idea! Too bad a little girl devoured mine before I could even have one bite when I got home (ahem.. Ava haha)! But she said it was delicious and I am sure it was :)

My gifts to baby Mack (and Kelly of course) were my favorite baby gift... some monogrammed goods! Once you choose a name, it is on to the monogramming IMO so that is what I did.
I ordered from the wonderful Sew Jewel who is local in Lexington but also has PayPal so I am pretty sure she would ship too...?
She can be found on Facebook HERE
You can look at all her awesome work on there and get ideas too :)

Here is how great the stuff turned out that I ordered from her! She did SUCH a great job!!!!

The "Little Brother to the Fur-Kids" Bib is because Kelly & Garrett have two super cute dogs that will be big brother & sister haha :)

I loved the burp cloths!
All of the items she provided and did the monogramming, but I think you can take your own stuff to her also. She was super quick, did a great job, and everyone at the shower thought it was all adorable! I would highly recommend her if you are looking for some great gifts, don't forget Christmas will be right around the corner!!

Kelly her momma, Miss Sharon

Kelly & Chrissy <3

Lindsey & Kelly <3

The Girls!

Now for the cake... that was my duty I'm sure you already guessed that though lol
So this was my third cake from Confused Confections last week, crazy enough, and it was just as good as the others! We mixed it up a little and did Key Lime Cupcakes with Mack's initials on them ... because that is Kelly's favorite! :)

Pretty cute right?
I loved it and so did Kelly and that was what was most important lol
Must get pregnant lady a good yummy cake... mucho important! :)

Speaking of preggo ladies, my friend Emily who is also expecting (who really needs to start a blog especially now that she is expecting, that is on my things to do list to get her to start one lol) found out that they are 90% sure she is having a girl!!! Yayy! So presh!

Seems like just yesterday we were at their wedding :)
Is that the most adorable picture you have ever seen? Obsessed with it.

Can't wait for it to be 99.9% sure it's a girl so she can pick a name!! I won't spill her beans, BUT she's got some super cute, unique names in her back pocket!

Love you Em and so happy and excited for you!! (Bobby too of course) Can't wait to see you soon! <3

Remind me not to drink the water any of my friends are currently drinkin hahaha just sayin'

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