Today is Chris's mom, Cathi's, (aka Mimi which is what the kids call her) birthday!!
Did you follow all that? ha
We celebrated yesterday at our house... and actually had a birthday/valentine's day party which was so much fun! We were so happy to have everyone over to hang out, eat, open presents & watch the game!
I made little Valentine's Day goodie bags for all the kids...
We had lots of balloons and fun presents...
(Lex peeps, the Party Store on Nicholasville Rd has those red mylar balloons 20 for $10! Can't beat it if you're having a Valentine's Day party or just want to decorate your casa up a bit!)
Look at these super cute birthday plates... Katie I thought of you as soon as I saw them ha!!
You will need these for your next birthday bash I think! :)
Cathi LOVES the beach.. I'm talkin loves it! They go to Florida all the time and it is for sure their favorite thing to do... so I opted for a cute beach theme cake :) Seashells, sand, flip flops, palm trees... Precious!
Of course I can't take the credit... but the talented ladies at Confused Confections can :)
I don't need to tell you for the umpteenth time how amazzzzing they are because if you read my blog regularly then you already know since we get probably one cake a month hahahaha!
The birthday girl making her wish! :)
Opening her presents... we got her the cute Happy Everything Plate and some fun attachments for the top... if you have seen these before they are normally white with all different color polka dots, which to be honest was always just a little much for me... too much color idk... but I always wanted one just didn't like that bright of one. Well I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that because literally they JUST came out with this new one... tan with white dots... and it is SOOO cute!! :)
Chris's dad got her a tablet that looked so awesome... I know she will enjoy that at the beach! :)
I mentioned before, the kids Dyson vacuum I saw at one of my client's houses... and I knew Chris's nephew would die over it because he is obsessed with vacuums! Well we gave it to him for Vday and he loved it so much I couldn't even get a great pic because he was running around vacuuming everything LOL ... but here is one...
It literally is a mini replica of our Dyson. So funny. Even picks up a few crumbs. Love it!
(Got it from
Lastly, since I think almost everyone should have gotten their Valentine's Day card we sent... I want to show it to you! Another Pinterest idea, can't take all the credit... however I did take the pic, then make the card myself on Publisher then ran up to Kinkos and printed them out on 5x7 cardstock for dirt cheap... then mailed :)
They are so darn cute...
Hahahaha how funny is that?
Happy Early Valentine's Day :)
and ...
Happy Birthday Cathi :)
I am so blessed to have you in my life and thankful for your always fun, positive, loving, and uplifting attitude! I am thankful beyond words that I have you as a (basically) Mother In Law and so happy we are so close! Love you! XO - Dana
Check back tomorrow for a little Pinterest time!
PS. Desperate Housewives was new tonight but I am DVR'ing it so therefor not getting on facebook tonight because I don't want it ruined lol!