I remember the first day we went and got him...he was so cute and sweet :) Look what I found...
Aww look at him coming home for the first time ;) This was right after we picked him up and got him in the car! He was a little greasy and hadn't had his first bath yet! Brings back the memories lol
Ok so back to his bday...after he slept in...
We got up, decorated the dining room...
Then took him to his favorite store, the Barkery!
He rode in his favorite spot (aka Jakes carseat ha)
Then looked out the window and tried to show off his Birthday shirt :)
We made it and he was so excited when we pulled up!
He had fun picking out some new toys and then we got some yummy treats and cupcakes for him!
Frankie enjoyed his new toys... and a new Pee Pad that looks like grass LOL hopefully this will help him not pee in front of the back door anymore when we are not home! ;)
Frankie LOVED his one day a year of getting on the dining room table to enjoy his treats :)
He even is testing the waters with his new grassy indoor space hahahaha
It was fun!
Me and my sweet boy...
Wish I could have had him a major dog party but unfortunately I couldn't pull it off this year..maybe next year :)