Some are cheap and funny and some are serious so I hope you will read til' the end and enjoy!! :)
Things I am Loving ...
I will honestly admit to anyway who asks, I am compulsively obsessed with whitening my teeth. Call it vain or not, I just like for my teeth to be as white as humanly possible haha. I feel like this is something I can control and I just enjoy white teeth. With that said, I was starting to show signs of overdoing the white strips and bleach because my teeth were KILLING me with anything cold... so I have backed off and no strips for about 6 months. (was a lot harder than you would think, don't judge ha) So my friend Steph told me to try this mouthwash... and I wanted to share because it TOTALLY WORKS and it does not hurt my teeth :) Now it may not be as strong as zoom or white strips... but after about 3 days I started telling a difference. It doesn't taste super good, but won't make you gag either. It's awesome. Period.
My hair has been absolutely OOC (out of control) for the past few months. It's breaking off, it's thinning, it looks dry and gross and I have just been so fed up I wear it in a pony tail all the time (which could be part of the problem also with the breaking, Leigh Ann, my fabulous stylist says). So last week when I went to get my hair did, she suggested this... It is an oil from the Kerastase line, which I honestly am hearing is better than the newly popular "Moroccan" Oil. It wasn't cheap... I think I paid $35 for this bottle, but you only need a small amount, I mean small! I really like it so far! I think it is helping :)
Ok you may see Estee Lauder and think your grandma if you're like me... however.... this perfume is THE it instantly takes you to the beach in your brain with one whiff. I love love love it and don't know how many more times I have to hint to Chris that I need this as a surprise! LOL I keep spraying it every time I go through Macy's but didn't buy because I just got a big new bottle of my old faithful Kate Spade perfume. But the warmer it is getting, the more I need this! It's amazing!
This one is silly and fun, but I am just LOVING having this blog :) I love reading everyone else's blogs and I love having my own little cute one! I can't believe I have missed out on this for so long! I just love it!
I love Joel Osteen. (not in a gross, have a crush on a pastor, kind of love ha) But I just love his positive attitude and uplifting words and messages. I caught him on TV the other night at midnight and am not DVR'ing him every week just because no matter what he is preaching about he always lifts me up, and I like that. If you have never heard him, you can download his messages on iTunes and also from his website. Also if you like to read, his books are all wonderful and I can't wait for the next one to come out! His wife, Victoria, also has a great book out that I have read and loved....
Ok this one is for anyone who is a Realtor reading this... or if you do any business with clients out of an office, like in your car, on the side of the road, at Starbucks, or at someones dining room table after showing their house lol (those are just a few of my recent spots ha).... Sign my Pad for iPad is the best app I have on my iPad! I am highly obsessed with it. You can actually sign and have clients sign on your iPad with their finger or a stylus, and then email the document, save, upload to a paperless system, etc without ever having to print, scan, fax or scan back! AHHHHHH changed my LIFE and my business! Thank you Apple & Adobe! Ha :)
Ok I will be honest, I thought I would hate this show and it would be so superficial and ridiculous (which sometimes it can be don't get me wrong) but for the most part I am loving it! This girl has got the patience of Job and even though sometimes her accent annoys me, ha, I really like her and the show. It's entertaining to say the least, which is what I like at the end of the day to wind down and get my mind on something light and easy.
If these d*mn storms don't go away I will seriously lose it. EVERY single night for what seems like the past week, the tornado sirens have gone off and we are up and down, looking outside, turning on the news, watching the Doppler radar on our phones, calming Frankie, etc etc etc and I am getting horrible sleep! The sirens literally sound like they are on our back patio. It is so annoying. The rain is wearing me out... the air, the gloomy skies, just everything, and I am SO over it. However this picture did remind me of one thing...
TOTO! hahaha and can you not see a little resemblance here .... they kind of could be brothers....
HAHAHA Frankie looks a little like ToTo I think :)
Next thing I am over....
Headaches. I think this pertains to the weather too... but I have had a headache nonstop this week. I am overdosing on ibprofen I feel like and they just come right back! Ugh! :( So over headaches.
SO OVER TAMARA! Give me a break! She needs a reality check. Eddy is a joke, she is a joke, pulling the little "I'm a lesbian for 5 seconds joke" is a joke, haha, I could go on and on. I am ready for someone new on Real Housewives of OC ... she is just on my last nerve! Am I alone in this???
Ok I think that is it for now... Hope everyone is having a great Hump Day!