With that said, I would be lying to you if I didn't admit I LOVEEEE Easter fun! Here are the after pics of the baskets I tried to copy from this previous post ...
Finished Project! :) Kids LOVED them, they were so surprised! I think Ella's exact words were "Oh my gosh this is like Martha Stewart" hahahaha that may be pushing it but at least it was the thought lol
These were such a hit, the Easter Bunny got them for all the kids ;) from PersonalizationMall.com They are personalized coloring books... sooo cute! Came with crayons and everything...
And the inside was all personalized too and told a story with the child's name in it... they were awesome!
We had a TOTAL Egg Coloring EGGstravaganza :)
We hid eggs and also did a game with our "Resurrection Eggs" that were so great... read through the whole Easter story by the little trinkets in these eggs, I got them at Hobby Lobby and am so glad because they will be a tradition from this year forward!
The kiddos looked so cute in their Easter outfits ... we went with a teal theme haha
Chris and I had fun too and I even got an Easter surprise ....
So thoughtful of him to get me a charm for my Pandora Bracelet... the "November" bloom charm! I love it! :)
I made my little cute sign thingy that I learned from Shasta Anne ... don't know that it's quite as cute as hers because I had no ribbon to make bows on the ends.. but it turned out ok!
My dad and I did some cooking... so I got to bust out my diva apron lol
Yes I have on house shoes and yes even though it is cute, it does kinda unfortunately make me look prego ha
My dad fixed the most amazing ham you've ever had with brown sugar and oranges, OMG my mouth waters just looking at this picture! The leftovers were even better for dinner tonight too!
And I had cute little plates and napkins for the table...
I got to spend some time with my cousins... Kenzy & Addison, and my mom too :)
Of course I didn't forget him on Easter, and neither did the Easter Bunny.... ;)
A special little basket just for Frankie ;) He loved it! He played with his rabbit all night....
Hope you all had a great Easter too! XO