Showing posts with label Pintersting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pintersting. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh, How Pinteresting Mondays!

So I guess I have been under a rock for the last few weeks, months, however long you all have been into Pinterest without me!!!!! Thank goodness for my sweet friend Emily (not newly licensed assistant Emily, but a post coming soon about how hysterical she is though lol) who introduced me to Pinterest a while back, but I was on vaca that week with NO INTERNET (kill me now) so I am just now kind of getting into it!

So now, go figure... I am officially a Pinterest Addict!
Like there is something else I need to do at night to keep me from going to bed, besides my usual... checking/responding to emails, blogging, facebooking, twitter, my reality shows, catching up on Young & the Restless from the week, etc. Now I want to look at millions of awesome pictures and pin them to a "make believe board"! bahahaha. Oh well, I still love it!

With that said... I am starting this... :) 

I sort of copied this from sweet Katie over at Keep Calm and Carry On. which is one of my new fave blogs by the way! She does this on Wednesdays and I just love it now that I have become obsessed with Pinterest!
(although I did make that cute little logo above with the little blings in the background all by myself, PinkLouLou would be proud of my little bloggy making capabilities these days! LOL)

Quick tips for newbies... if you have not been on Pinterest, you need to do that NOW!
Go to and sign up! It's pretty easy, if I can do it you can too!

Second, you can go to the right of this page under my followers list, and click on the red rectangle
 "Follow Me on Pinterest" and you can see what I am "pinning on my boards" :)

Now for this Monday's edition of what I am LOVING on Pinterest....

With Fall right around the corner (yayyyy) I am loving these DIY pumpkins... can't wait to try!

Golden Pumpkins! Spray paint gold and paint decorations or polka dots on them!

Of course I'm loving these... monogrammed pumpkins! Too cute! Def trying this!

Love this whole look but OBSESSED with these boots! Must find!

Brace yourself....

Pretty sure this is Frankie's Halloween Costume this year!!! Available on Etsy and too cute! This pic looks just like him so I know he will be adorable!

Loved this. Everyone needs to read this... it never hurts to be a little nicer! 

Lastly, a girl can dream can't she...

How happy would you be to do your 7 loads of laundry if this were your laundry room?? Ahhh! So cute, and I would officially never complain about folding clothes again if this is what I got to look at while doing it! :)

What are you loving on Pinterest!? Leave me a link to your Pinterest account so I can follow you too!
Happy Monday!
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