Showing posts with label Hamburg Farms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamburg Farms. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Realtor Open House of the Century!

Hello Friends!

This was a crazzzzy hectic week for me... I feel like I have so many things to blog about I need to make a list STAT. I hosted (with the help of my lovely assistant Emily of course) an awesome Realtor Open House this past week which pretty much consumed a lot of my time this week, just getting everything ready and set up... but it sure turned out better than I could have ever hoped for!

Maybe you might remember me telling you I recently got a new fabulous account of some awesome condo/townhomes here is Lex to sell?!? Well it was Hamburg Farms, by Lifestyle Communities...

They are so nice... see for yourself... :)


Awesome Pool for Summer Entertaining!

Very nice and equipped fitness center in the clubhouse

And an awesome interior clubhouse that you can actually rent out for parties or social gatherings!

So I decided to host a Realtor Open House... which is just basically a lunch for fellow Realtors to come by, eat and mingle, and tour a model or two to get familiar with the property in hopes they will have a buyer who might be interested?
(Think Million Dollar Listing if you will, for those of you who watch that on Bravo haha)

We had some awesome giveaways and food... which is a no brainer that hopefully people will show!

Here is the cute little invite that I made...

And our give-away prizes :)

Recognize that handsome sponsor? haha ;)

Then we had a big AWESOME prize of this...

Aren't those fun?

We prepared and set up and had some fun ideas (by "We" I mean Emily and I) but it wouldn't have been a boss/assistant kind of preparation had we not got side tracked at Wal-Mart by some fancy Christmas hats they had just gotten in... hahahaha ... easily amused we are! I won't post pics because Emily didn't approve them lol and they are very "special" ;) 

How cute are these pumpkins Emily made?

The Reserve and Wellington II are two of our models and we sat these pumpkins on the front porch of those models for people to see when they walked in to tour!

For dessert we had an awesome little chocolate fountain with yummy fruits and snacks to dip in it :) This was a hit I'm pretty sure! Thanks Laura ha! ;)

We had a MAJOR spread of food catered by Sarah's Corner Cafe ... BBQ, cheesy hashbrowns, baked beans, potato salad & more! It was so good!

These were just a few pics I took of some of our Realtor guests... we ended up having 74 REALTORS ATTEND! So crazy!!!! Such an awesome turnout, even on a yucky rainy day!

I hope we were able to generate some future deals by familiarizing all these wonderful Realtors with this development! :) I wanted to give a HUGE Thank You to everyone who came out... I hope you had as much fun as I did :) Congrats to all the prize winners too!!

Anyone reading this ... should you know someone who is looking for an awesome place to live ... please keep these in mind :) and message me should you want any additional info!! They are very nice and range in price from $135,900-$179,900 ...

Ok that's my sells pitch of the month for le bloggy haha
Thanks for reading!
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