Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday News

I have lots of new news for this Thursday :)

Most importantly... Chris and I have a new nephew!! His sister had her baby on Tuesday,
a sweet baby boy... little baby Birch (I love that his initials will be BB for some reason haha kind of like my cute Godson who is CC!)  ... he was a little under 8lbs.

We haven't gotten to see him yet, both had to work a lot this week, so I am excited to go see him this weekend and take him some little goodies! :) So happy for them! His big brother, Jack, who is 1 and will be two this summer, is obsessed with vacuums! Literally obsessed. For Christmas we got him a little sweeping set with a broom and I'm pretty sure it was a hit ;) So when getting some stuff for the new baby, I realized we needed to get Jack a fun "Big Brother" present too...  and I found this...

A kid's Dyson Vacuum!!! I know... how cute is that?? It actually is Dyson, says it on there and everything! Spins and rotates, actually sucks up a little bit too, and has little popping colored balls in there also! I literally died when I saw this at a client's house and knew I had to get it for Jack!
How fun is that?!? :)

Speaking of babies... my sweet friend Emily's shower is coming up soon ... so I have ordered some cute little things that I will share after the shower because I want them to be a surprise ha BUT I did get some cute monogrammed things that came in today and I was dying to show her something so I thought a bib would be appropriate and I had to have a model...


Ta-Da! LOL He is a multi-versatile model ;)
But he was not having this what so ever... would not even look at me or the camera... (as you can tell) and barely looked out of the corner of his eye just to let me know he was pissed. Ha.

But how cute is the bib? Can't wait for baby Lila to get here!

More news... Ella is OBSESSED with her Marley Lily monogrammed purse and since she has now seen it I can show it to you ..

Don't you love the teal (looks blue in the pic but it's really more of a teal IRL) and the block letters?
 I think it turned out so cute!
She wanted to pick the color and style and everything, and she did a great job!

I know this may be boring for those of you not in Lex... BUT for those of you who are, please keep this new listing in mind if you have a friend, or co-worker, or someone looking for a house! You never know who may be looking to buy :) And this one is adorable!

It has a 1st Floor Master Bedroom which is very desirable, New Roof, New Windows, New Flooring, New Light Fixtures... too much to name! Located off Tates Creek Rd close to Hartland Kroger!
If you would like more info or know someone you think might like it feel free to email me or 
CLICK HERE for the link to the MLS :)

Lastly, we are thinking of going to NYC for Spring Break in a few months...

We have never been, and I think it would be something fun and different to do... and am getting kind of majorly excited thinking about it!
If anyone has any tips, places we must go, things to do for us and the kids, anything you can think of.. PLEASE SHARE! I am googling and talking to people and feeling overwhelmed that there is so much to do there!!!

Here is a bit of what I've found so far that we would like to do...

1. Of course we would want to take the boat and go see the Statue of Liberty
(I've heard you have to order tickets in advance and it's a big production, anyone been?)

2. I FOR SURE want to visit Ground Zero and the Memorials
(also heard you must register in advance? can't just show up?)

3. We would love to find a Broadway show that would be enjoyable for us and the kids ??

4. Museum of National History looks awesome, Chris is dying to go here!

5. Toys R Us - this is a no brainer, the kids will love it, there is a ferris wheel inside the store!

6. Dylan's Candy Bar - This is a must on my list :) Heard it is unbelievable!!

7. Central Park - I think it might be too warm in April to go ice skating? But we will see :)

8. FOA Schwarz - This would be a must, lol

9. The Eloise Suite at the Plaza Hotel - Chris is realllly wanting to take the girls here, they have talked about it several times and we feel like if we go to NYC we have to go have tea with Miss Eloise ha ;)

That is a LOT of tourism... and I know there is TONS more to do (I haven't even mentioned places to shop, that could be an entire post on its own!!) ... if you have any suggestions please comment!!

Happy Thursday!

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