Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter Recap

Two catch up posts in one day... very rare :)
Easter is my favorite holiday. Period. I love it, love everything about it.

I love that everyone gets a new Easter outfit to wear to church :) I love coloring and hunting for easter eggs. I love relearning that Jesus rose from the dead for us. I love Easter baskets and goodies. I love those chocolate bunnies in the yellow box with the Peter Rabbit story ha. I love peeps. See? Love everything about it ha.

The kids left the Easter bunny this letter and snack haha I died..

He must have liked it because he left them these... ;)

And don't think he forgot this sweet stud muffin ;)

They each got these cute little shirts to wear for their easter egg hunt ha!

Chris even got a little bucket of his own ;)

I made "Easter Kabobs" ... via Pinterest... They were so cute!

Peeps, Homemade rice krispy treats, and fruit :) super easy!

We went to Chris's sister's house in Louisville for the afternoon after church to eat and hide eggs!
It was so fun!

She has a chalk painted door in her kitchen and I am OBSESSED with it...

How cute is that?? Love it!

Chris and I got zero cute pictures of us the entire day :(
My dress was so cute too ... I can't wait to wear it again... it was Lily P and super colorful ! Wish I would have gotten a better pic :(

The kiddos looked adorable as always :)

Chris's nephews are the cutest... how sweet are these pics?

We had such a great Easter... Hope everyone else did too!!

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