Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another Year Older :)

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!
Yesterday was my birthday ;)

But let's be honest... I don't usually have a birth "day" it is more like a birth "week" LOL My poor  family... my birthday is like a never ending event! But I won't lie, I love it!
For my actual birthday, Chris had gotten us tickets a while back to go to the UK vs. Tennessee football game and it was the perfect day to go! Beautiful weather and WOW.WHAT.A.GAME! For those of you non-Wildcat fans, this was an epic game! Kentucky's first win against Tennessee since 1984! I'm taking all the credit of course that it's because it was my birthday ;) Of course. Ha.

Watching the game :)

Awesome!!!! GOOOOO Cats!!

Look at that field rush! Holy Cow! Gives me goosebumps to watch haha!
Check out this totally unprofessional video I took from my phone during the field rush...
(Mute playlist at bottom of page)
How great is that? It was a great day to be a CAT fan and I am so glad we were there to experience it! A day we won't forget!

Among all the fun birthday presents I got (including some super cozy PJ's from Vicki's ha!) my very favorite thing Chris got me were these... if you don't have them you need them!

UGG house shoes... to.die.for.comfy. They are so warm! So fuzzy! I am obsessed with them!
If you see me at the office or Target in them it's probably because I forgot they weren't real shoes and wore them out of the house on accident LOL. They are fab! Thank you babe ;)

We went to dinner last night at Bonefish and I got BangBang Shrimp for a birthday bite! So Yum!
Then we came home and just cuddled and hung around the house. I started bringing out the Christmas stuff today and look what I stumbled upon...

Bahahahahaha. Poor Frankie. He is not a fan. But he looks so dang cute I couldn't resist. :)
A little mini Rudolph we have ha.
Love him so much.

So far 28 feels good :) ... I was on Pinterest (shocker!) and stumbled across this and it sums up my thoughts for my birthday...

I am grateful for my "Now" :)

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