Sunday, April 1, 2012

HBOs Game of Thrones

It all began in August . . . . with a big-audition .........Then in September . . . .

This may well have been the worst kept secret in all the world but I am now free to tell you that yes I had a part in HBOs television show Game of Thrones and that you will be able to see me in the small role of 'Daisey'.

I know could I have been given a more confusing character name. I was booked under the name Masie Dee, was playing a Dasiey, had to fill in some of the paper work in my legal name but my passport is still in my maiden name so for certain forms I had to revert to that so it all matched up - I didn't know who I was. On my second day of filming one of the runners came over to introduce themselves and I took her hand smiled and said 'nice to meet you I'm . . . ' and froze. I had no idea who I was at that hour in the morning it was all just to much.

I don't think I  have ever shared with you where Masie Dee came from. Some people say that in order to get your porn star name you take the name of your first pet and your mothers maiden name (some go with the name of the first street you lived on). Well ignoring my fishSnowy my first pet was a mini lop rabbit named Mazie. Mazie became Masie as that's how everyone always assumed it was said and it was just easier. My mothers Maiden name is Crawford which made me sound like a crime writer and I wasn't sure she would forgive me for soiling her family name. I got Dee from Andy Man the first time I worked for Killergram as they required a sir name. Why do I choose to tell you this now? Well because when I got my rabbit Mazie my two sisters also got two Dutch rabbits who were called Dasiey and Mittens. My older sister thought it was very funny that I'm professionally working my way through all their names  - all I need now is to find a show that is looking for a Mittens!

I wont go into detail about the part you can find out for yourself how Dasiey gets on but she doesn't have the best of times, I did three scenes and the poor girl witnessed something horrible each time. What I will tell you though is what an amazing time I had.  I have always said the thing  I love about porn is doing really complicated shoots, I love the process and the technicalities of filming the only reason I went to porn is because I tend to think in terms of sex creatively. I was also very realistic about the likely hood of me ever becoming an 'actress' as there would be so much competition and I'm not sure I can act. As I wasn't willing to fight for it I decided that I probably didn't want it enough and when I finally landed on porn it proved to be an excellent out let for that side of me. So imagine how happy I was to be on set with all those cameras and people with jobs I'd never heard of and the countless re takes and multiple angles. I was in heaven and am so grateful to have been able to experience it. I'd love to do it again but once will be enough if once is all I'm supposed to get.

I must have done something right because after my first day I was not only asked back to to do a scene leading into my encounter with the King (who is Irish in real life, that really threw me his accent in the show is amazing) I was also asked back for a third scene and I'm tentatively believing them when they told me it was because I did such a good job.

 I have just realised what a long post this is turning into. For ease I think I might split my blog into the three days I had over there. So I think you have got enough of an idea of how day one went from this post. Day one is actually the last scene I appear in and I'm not to sure how badly I ended up at the end of this scene. It will be in the hands of the writers as to whether I heal enough to be allowed back next season (I really hope so).

One last thing I want to add about this first day. On my way off set I was past by 'The Hound' dressed in his chain mail on his way to shoot (as they have day shoots and then night shoots). He is huge in real life! As he walked past in his chain mail I swooned!