I'll tell you what, people who say blogging is addicting sure know what they are talking about! It has officially been 10 days since I have blogged, and I feel empty haha.
I have not slacked on purpose, so don't judge, but I have seriously been super busy selling some houses (yay!)... then sick :( ... then out of town for a mini vaca (post to come!)... and then super busy again! I feel like I have so much to share... but I think I'm going to break them down into a couple different posts this week as to not totally picture overload yall!
Since I missed Valentine's Day :( I thought it would be fun to share a little bit of my day ...
the day before we did some fun little presents with the kids...
They had fun, we got them little surprises and some candy... we got the girls each a Moon & Lola monogrammed necklace and they loved them! (Need to post pic, forgot to take one!)
The next morning Jake was over so I fixed him a Valentine's Day breakfast :)
(Sorry the pic is sideways)
Heart Shaped Waffles (his fave) with red sprinkles!
That day I had a special shirt I had been hiding in my closet for weeks to wear for Chris hehe
However, I was apparently on something that day and took a pic myself so it is backwards lol and the only picture I got all day of it! :( It was so cute, a baseball type tee that said I Heart My Boyfriend! Got it at Target, Chris thought it was so cute :) I wore it all day and even to dinner, instead of the pink silk shirt I had planned on wearing lol
He surprised me (ok not really, I knew he would get them, they are my favorite!) with chocolate covered strawberries!!
He brought me TWO things of flowers... some beautiful mixed ones and then also a new orchid that is so pretty... he gave me one two years ago and I kept it alive all this time until recently when it kicked the bucket, so now I have a new one :)
And then this lovely pressent, which was SO unexpected...
I opened this and was so excited!!
The Hugs & Kisses Package from The Massage Center
what might this include you ask?
LOTS of goodies... :)
60 minute Relaxation Massage
15 minute Salt Glow - feet & legs
15 minute Facelift Massage
How sweet was that?
I am so looking forward to spending some time relaxing and enjoying this present from my sweet honey! Thank you babe! Loved it! XO
We ended the day by going to dinner and me eating way more than I should have! Ha! But it sure was yummy!
Hope all your Valentine's Days were just as sweet and fun!
Oh, in unrelated news... have you seen these in your Kroger????
These little handy dandy touch screen thingys are awesome.. you scroll through different recipes and then once you find the one you like, you print it out and it gives you the ingredients and recipe right there while you're at the grocery! Genius! Why didn't I think of this?? Great idea! :)
And in case anyone was wondering... Frankie got all spiffed up and got a cute new haircut for Valentine's Day...
He was waiting on Miss Daisy May to give him a ring, but that unfortunately didn't happen and we have since then talked and realized that he is the man, he should have made the first move... epic fail... :( LOL
I have loads more to share.. will be back tomorrow talking about the mini vaca we took this past weekend :)