Helloooo Friends!
I realize I missed Pinteresting Monday :( I'm sad about it. But I was slammed this week.
I did however want to do a post about the amazing (if I do say so myself, ha) little present that I got baby Lila for Emily's shower last weekend!
Let's begin with my inspiration... forever faithful and trusty PINTEREST :)
(Follow me on Pinterest HERE)
I saw this beautiful nursery on Pinterest and pinned it immediately because I loved the crystal chandelier and the BEAUTIFUL wooden monogrammed letters on the wall! So pretttty!
The nursery is actually from "God Bless our Nest" and it is adorable! Ashley does a how-to on making the chandelier also... Click Here, so precious! Her little girl is adorable! In fact, go check out her super cute newborn pics from her last post!
Ok back to the letters.... they were ordered on Etsy from KyGraceDesigns and let me tell you what, she did such a fabulous job and has such cute stuff!!
Here are some examples of her letters...
And what I love the most is that you can choose to have them painted in any of these colors...
The letters that I ordered for Baby Lila arrived perfect! I had them painted white since her nursery walls are staying tan and her furniture is so beautiful, classic kind of chic, distressed cream/white.
Now don't judge, and Emily will more than likely be sad I am putting this up without the room being decorated.... BUT I will post pretty pics once she has it all together!! Promise Em! haha..... but this is a pre-lim pic of the letters above her crib :)
I think they will be so pretty hanging up there once everything is done!
Em, I hope Lila loves them :) We will do a Lila's nursery post once it is complete! lol She is going to be pretty fabulous we all know that! ;)
Thank you Ashley at God Bless our Nest for posting your nursery on Pinterest & giving me the idea!
And a big thank you to Brooke at KyGraceDesigns for making them so pretty and perfect!
(I have a feeling there will be more ordering from me down the road, lol!)
Ok friends, if you know someone having a sweet little bundle of joy, or maybe you're expecting one yourself (like every single person I know right now, seriously, what is in the water??) go on over and order you some of these mongrammed nursery letters! I feel like they are just the perfect touch to complete a nursery! And I know you will be just as pleased with how they turned out as I was!
Happy Hump Day!