I have been finding some great ideas on Pinterest this past weekend!
Lots of good ones for Christmas :)
I love this printable! Would be so cute in a frame!
Strawberrys, Angelfood Cake and Chocolate! So easy and yummy!
Love this.... and I have about 3 trifle bowls haha so this I will for sure try to make!
Chris and I, and I think practically everyone in our families lol, are obsessed with sweet potatoes ... This is a sweet potato mix with marshmellows on top (best part!) all in an orange for more flavor! YUM!!
I LOVE these Santa pancakes :) So fun!
I would love to make these.... maybe next year haha this year I have zero time, but they are cute!
Chris and I are wanting to go somewhere warm after Christmas :) I am going to start looking at places this week... but I am OBSESSSSSED with this bathing suit! Feels weird buying a bathing suit in December, but this one may be too cute for me to pass up ;)
This braid is so chic, love it.... may need Emily's help with this hahaha you know you are the true Pinterest Hair Girl :) XO
How cute are those Toms?
Love the exterior of this home... the front porch is amazing! Wish they would have done a big, beautiful double door though haha but who am I to judge? ;)
The brick wall going to the basement is so pretty... it gives it a "homey" feel I think and is inviting... love that!
Now for my favorite sayings of the week :)
Dont hold grudges! Never a good thing! Let it go so YOU can be free!
hahaha that is funny!
Love this! Very true!
Follow my boards on Pinterest HERE :)
Hope everyone had a great Monday!
(Chris is making dinner tonight... Chili... we will see who's is better? ;)