First he was a Shark ;)
But then he wouldn't walk one single step in this outfit haha he was totally frozen!
So I felt sorry for him and switched to this...
Which just wasn't fitting because he in an angel not a devil ;)
So we ended up passing out candy just in his Halloween bejewled shirt lol
Which everyone commented on so ended up ok!
I never got to show off my cute pumpkins that I finally spray painted with the glitter spray paint!!
They don't really looks glittery in this picture, but IRL they are! Love that glitter spray paint, surely at Christmas I will come up with something to use it on again ha!
Frankie got a haircut...
This pic looks like he is in jail bless his heart, but really it was just behind the gate.
An "After" Pic
With no eyebrows :( I think she got scissor happy a little.
I took the girls to get their nails done and Ava got a new fun color that I am now obsessed with... especially for the Holidays it will be pretty!
(I had her hold the bottle like they do on Pinterest ha and she was cracking up!)
Isn't that fun?
It was the OPI "Color so hot is berns" on the bottom and then the NEW Miss Piggy line, OPI "Gettin' Miss Piggy With It" on top :)
Love the name! It's so pretty too!
Speaking of Pinterest... we did a Thanksgiving activity from Pinterest this weekend with their cousins... it was so fun and they turned out awesome!
It was Thanksgiving Trees...
They traced and cut out their hand prints on fall like colors, I drew out the brown tree trunk and limbs...
then on each hand they wrote things they were thankful for, then we glues them on the tree limbs, and then just for fun glued some feathers on the bottom... and Tada! there they were! Cute Thankful Trees :)
Ella & Ava had their first Horse Riding Lesson and it was sooo cute!!
Could not have been a more beautiful day for it either...
Of course we took a million pictures but here are a few cute ones (Cathi I will make you copies;)
Getting ready to go!
A tad shocked at horse poo haha
I love this picture. Ava was watching so closely while Ella went first ;)
Ella road "Chickie" she was a sweet girl.
She did such a good job for her first time!
Ava was on "Fox" and she was such a natural... her posture was perfect! She wasn't even scared a bit!
Such a beautiful day!!
Jake and I enjoyed watching while Chris video taped them :)
Such a fun time!
Then we were off to watch the CATS play!
So tomorrow I have two weeks worth of Pinterest to share and lottttsss of cute things because without having my computer for a week, I am been on Pinterest nonstop on my phone at night out of complete boredom! Not having my computer was so hard... besides not being able to do hardly ANY work and now feeling like I have a million things to do... I didn't get to catch up on any of your alls blogs either!!
So now I am off to do that :)