But first, I will give a quick recap of my weekend... well the most important things at least!
1. Chris took me to dinner on Saturday night to one of our favorite places, Bonefish, because I was totally craving some of these...
Bang Bang Shrimp! So Yum! (Sorry for the bad pic it was a little dark in there!)
If you have never been to Bonefish, or had the Bang Bang Shrimp... run there now! LOL you won't regret it I promise!
We had a little relax time and caught up on the DVR and Frankie was sooo lazy this weekend, I'm pretty sure he had a cold ha, but he was so asleep I was fixing his hair in all kinds of crazy ways and he never moved one single time haha I was dying!
Here is one of his do's :)
How funny is that? Bless his heart.
I discovered a new OPI color today :) "It's My Year" ... Kind of purple/sparkly. Love it!
Lastly, my favorite thing about the weekend! I got something new I have waiting a LOONNGGG time for... I have now joined the 21st century and I'll give you a hint of what it is ...
That's right friends... look who got an iPhone!!!! :) Annndddd not only an iPhone, but the brand new iPhone4s that is shiny and white ha! Thank the Lord for Chris who got up and was at the Sprint store on Friday at 4:45am to wait in line for us, and I slept in til about about 6:45am then went up there so he didn't have to be alone.. and lucky us he was fourth in line and they only got 5 WHITE ONES in! Can you believe that? I was so close to not getting one. But I am pumped about it!
But now I need your help... please comment me some good apps that yall like :) I am slacking in the app department! But aren't you proud I already know how to take a screen shot?? yay!
Ok... now for some obsessions of the week...
Remember how I told you I made a list of life goals at my Shaker Retreat? Well one of the things on that list was to go to Bora Bora, and today I saw this pic and it reaffirmed my goal LOL how beautiful??
One of the other goals I wrote down was to learn calligraphy which is something I have always wanted to do! And these cutsie envelopes made me want to learn even more!
If I could own and wear this outfit, head to toe, every day for the rest of my life I would be the happiest girl alive! :) How cute and stylish but comfy does this look? Absolutely love it!
How cute is this hair? Love it.
Speaking of hair... how cute is this? Not sure if it's a kids or not lol but I would totally wear it!!
Such a presh wreath!
I love apples and caramel dip... probably have it as a snack every day I'd say... and these little bites are so cute. I am thinking of doing them for a function I am having on Thursday, they can't be that hard!
Crockpot Ribs... yumm... click HERE FOR THE RECIPE. I will be trying this week. :)
TOMS with 1 Corinthians 13 on them... never seen these before?!?!
Love this. Love Steve Jobs. Period.
hahahaha love this!
hilarious. and true. ;)
That's it friends... Happy Monday!