This week not only am I not a day late... but I'm a day EARLY!
But selfishly because tomorrow is Chris's birthday!!! :) So I plan on doing a special bday post for him!
What about this for Frankie's Halloween costume??
hahahahaha I think he would like it!
LOVE this!
I'm sure I could never do this on my own, but maybe Emily (aka assistant/bff ha) can because she is going to start hair tutorials on Youtube part time ;) Em, I can be your first example!
Cute Polyvore!
So comfy and cozy, yet chic and cute! I would probably pair with sparkly Toms instead though, or maybe some Tory Burch fats ;) Not really a fan of the stripes.
Umm... Yummmmmyyyy!
Applesauce Cake with Caramel Glaze
I want to try this for Thanksgiving this year :)
This room is beautiful but the initials over the bed pushed me over the edge!! Dying! Bananas! Love this!
Great idea! Cover a coffee can or something resembling that size and make a cute headband holder! I need this STAT and so do Ella & Ava for their room too!
Love these scarves from Marley Lilly. Have one but wanting every color! So great for Fall and great for a Christmas gift as well!
I want this in a frame! For my office and house ha
Pearls are my favorite accessory, not even a question.
I will try this this week sometime... How great do these look? Gosh, all the glitter makes me SO happy!
Speaking of pearls, this iPhone case NEEDS TO BE MINE .... IF Sprint would get with the program and go ahead and say they are going to release the iPhone 5 and start carrying it haha! Sometime this year would be nice too! But seriously, how cute is that case??
I have no reason for posting this one... I think just this little girl is so adorable and so are the headbands :)
Any kitchen I have posted in the past and said was my favorite, this one trumps those ha!
I love every single thing about it (with the exception of the hardwood flooring, dark dark is my personal pref) but other than that I think everything else is beautiful, especially the ceiling! Love the mix of light and dark cabinets so much!
That's all folks!
Happy Pinteresting!
You can follow me on Pinterest HERE :)
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Hope everyone had a great weekend!