ALL the Aunts in the hallway DYING for him to come to the window ;) Seems like yesterday!!
GiGi and Connor!
(Schub, remember when it took you like 10 minutes to realize the "nurse" was Pat? hahahaha)
Look at that little sweet thing! Soo tiny! Gees Louise!
This time last year a big boy turned 1!!
Love this pic! HAHA!
Cutest thing ever!
Time sure does fly! And he's not even mine and I feel like I wish he was a baby again ha :(
Now time for this years party...a Barn Animal Party... precious as always! Great job Chrissy!
Here are some randoms from the party...
Handsome Birthday Boy :) Love him!
Lookin so stylish!
Me, Heather & Chrissy (wish I had an old school 6th grade pic to put beside this haha)
Kendall & Steph
Yummy cake!
Patty Lu & Carla
Oh Lordy haha crazy girls! We walked upstairs and this was their "game" hahahaha
Opening his dog book from Frankie ;)
Scott (that's weird for me to say but I won't put your other name ha) & Diane
Lovin on his GiGi ... soo sweet!
LOL Kennedy the little model!
David & Kelly :)
Heather & Carla (this is a framer, I will email to you!)
me and Chris <3
Heather and her girls!
This is so cute!
Pretty sure he still has cake stuffed into his mouth like a chipmunk!
Ella, Ava & Jake :)
Again with the food in his mouth ha I think this child ate all night!! <3
And I will leave you with this....
These crazy kiddos enjoying their "goodie barns" after the party and all the fun things inside them!
These glasses were a hit and this was their random pose to send to Chrissy and say thanks for having us!
Happy 2nd Birthday CJ!
We Love you to pieces!!!!!
(Chrissy - my whole selfish goal in this post was to make sure by the time you were done reading you would want to have another baby hahahaha!!!! Shhh... don't tell Eric though!!)