This was a busssyyy weekend!
We celebrated my dad's birthday and it was so fun :) We had a little get together at our house and cooked, ate, opened presents, played football in the backyard, ate an amazing cake, etc! Ha!
I decided to go with a mini theme for this party... a KY Wildcat Football theme! How awesome is that? I'm pretty sure my dad loved it ;) And it was fun stuff I already had most of from previous football tailgates and parties!
Just some fun decorations!
I love these containers! You can use them for decorations, seasonal stuff (I'm thinking pumpkins for Fall, Christmas decorations, etc!) Or even food in them would be cute too! The front has the chalk board paint on it so you can write whatever you want! They came from one of my fave stores, House by JSD Designs on Deleware Ave here in Lex!
Ok ... I won't make you wait... I know you're all dying to see the cake!!! And it was a favorite that is for sure! Loved it, so cute... Confused Confections Bakehouse did an AWESOME job as always :) They are my very fave! If you haven't tried them yet you really need to! You will be so happy you did!!
Check out the UK Football Cake :)
How cute is that?? My dad was so surprised! I loved it!
Here are just a few more randoms from the night... I was skank-ti-fied so ignore please ha I had ran errands all day and then slaved over the stove (hahah Chris is laughing if he is reading this lol, but I really did cook and he helped :)
My brother, Dad & me :)
Opening Presents!
Kenzy, Mom & Chris
This pic is soley to prove that I whooped my brother up in some football haha jk but I did surprise him ;)
Birthday Dad!
Chris, My Uncle & My Dad
Little Brother
Kenzy my cuz <3
It was a great night!! Besides the fact my babe was sick.. poor Chris... spent the night on the couch not feeling good, felt bad we had fun without him! :(
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Tomorrow I will have some cute pics for my Oh, How Pinteresting Mondays!!
So Check Back!