I am so excited!
For you major bloggers I know this may seem blah, but maybe you can remember when you started blogging and how excited you were, and how you wanted everyone to follow you and comment and view blah blah. LOL well that is the stage I am in now. Thank you to those of you who read regularly and follow! I hope you are enjoying my blog, I know I sure am... such a fun way to empty my brain and vent/share things in my life!
My goal was 100 followers before I do a give-away... so this week I will be thinking up a good one!! Maybe it will be so good it will get me to my next goal... 200 followers ;) Gotta dream big!
I wanted from the very beginning to make this blog something fun, funny, and just a good time! Hoping to share some good ideas, products, places I like doing business with, etc etc. I didn't want it to be all about "Real Estate", even though in reality, that is my real life, and a non-stop, crazy full time job for me. I wanted this blog to be a reminder that I am a Realtor (duh!) and that I love what I do and helping people...and that if anyone ever decided to buy or sell a home, or knew a friend, family member, co-worker (baby's mama's cousin's boyfriend etc you get my drift haha) who was looking to sell or buy, that they would think of ME! :)
So along with being excited to blog about my 100 followers, I also wanted to take the opportunity to say, with Spring here and warm weather approaching now is the PERFECT time to buy or sell a home! Everyone is out looking and rates are still low. If you are a first time home buyer, there is still a wonderful program offered that you can get 100% financing on with no down payment... and if you are purchasing your second, third, fourth etc home, downpayments are still low at 3.5% down! I am happy to help or answer any questions you might have! :)
Now for fun.... some celebrity rooms that are my fave (because we ALL love celebrity real estate!)...
Miley Cirus's closet... so girly and cute... love the Houndstooth chair, it matches my bedroom window treatments and pillows (will post pic later)
Kim Kardashians Bedroom ... mirrored armoir is amazzzzzing!
Tori & Dean's Kitchen, I love their entire house by the way, it may be my favorite celeb house! Look at the floors, love them.
Tori & Dean's baby girl, Stella's, cute pink room. Love the wallpaper!
Tori & Dean's Dining Room... love love love!
Khloe Kardashian's home office, prec!
Kim Kardashian's kitchen, so white and clean and happy feeling w/ the fireplace :)
Brad Paisley's man-area, love the guitar ceiling fan!
Thought those were fun! It's always fun to look at other's people houses and their taste, that's one of the fun (and sometimes very funny) things that I love about my job! ;)
Happy Tuesday!