My New " I Love Coach Cal" tshirt, courtesy of Fan Outfitters! (excuse the wrinkles ha)
No fear, I have completely taken care of Frankie's worries for the day also, by giving him a little blue too...
Is that the cutest thing you've ever seen or what? there's more...
I know! Adorable! What can I say? My son is a model, call me to book him! ;)
Chris's friends from Louisville & Utah, and my dad, are coming down to watch the game with us so we will more than likely enjoy a little pre-gaming beforehand at the house then go out. For those of you who know me, it does not matter who is planned to come to our house, I am a FREAK about making sure everything is clean, and in its proper place ha. Even though it's just our friends and family, I still like to have things in order... today I was busy doing lots of things and cleaned mostly everything this morning but just honestly did not have the strength or energy to finish the vacuum upstairs.... so BRACE YOURSELF PEOPLE... this is something you will never see again and was so crazy that I had to take pictures.....
Yes friends, that IS Chris, yes he IS running the vacuum, and no this is NO April Fools prank! Bless his heart. Now I will give him credit, his chores of the house are to unload the dishwasher (wish I absolutely despise doing) and to tend to all the trash (somehow we accumulate enough trash that our garbage man prob thinks we have 15 people living in our house???). He does them well, and it does make me happy I do not have to do those two things with all the other million things I do ... I know I was in for trouble when we have had our front loading washer & dryer for about a year now, and a few weeks ago I asked him to go throw something in the dryer for me... when I went to take it out, it was in the washing machine!!! LOL he didn't even know which was which for Pete's sake! Boy, I am such a blessing in his life ;)
Recipe is as follows, so easy, you will LOVE it:
2 large cans of chicken
1 thing of cream cheese
1 cup of ranch
1 cup of Frank's hot sauce
3/4 cup of shredded cheese
Mix it all together (minus the cheese) in a baking dish, then sprinkle the cheese on top, Bake it @ 350degrees until the cheese is melted.
Serve with tortilla chips, crackers, wheat thins, whatever your little heart fancies... and ENJOY!
Now this next thing has GOT to be the funniest thing I have seen in a very long time... stolen from a facebook friend (Mike Huff, he reserves all rights and royalties when this becomes famous)! Lately we have all been lovin us some JORTS! So funny thats something we have
WHEN we win the championship... I will be taking orders for these lovely flags for all of the BBN to fly in celebration! ;) (not really, but Mike & Alicia maybe you should and we could all be rich!)
I can see it now, "Jorts Flags, coming to a store near you!"
Here's to a great Saturday, a great WIN and to all the JORTS lovers out there!
Ohhh C-A-T-S, Cats! Cats! Cats!