I literally have two DVR boxes recording nonstop from 9pm-midnight ... is this ridiculous? Is there anyone else out there that is as crazy as me? (If not, don't answer that ha)
So I decided to do a quick rundown of the shows tonight.... most are being recorded and I haven't watched them yet. I obsess over recording everything (poor Chris) and then just watch them at nights when I can't sleep or need something funny to get my mind de-stressed lol
First up...
Not sure who is my favorite this season... You can't help but like John Rich just because he basically owns Nashville and Country Music worldwide lol his celeb power is amaze!
And I love Donald... I'm sorry if you don't like him, but I love him. Trump for President 2012!! :)
I think next on the list is Brothers & Sisters...(where was Desperate Housewives tonight by the way???)
I do feel like I am a part of the "Walker Family" when I watch this show, and usually for the rest of the night. This could be an issue, but I am choosing to ignore it because I enjoy the show and wish Nora really was part of my family! Don't you? I would weigh 500 lbs and be a wino but still...she would solve all my problems I'm pretty sure... just like she does for Kitty, Sarah, Kevin, Justin & Tommy haha
Next is a no-brainer... Real Housewives of ANYTHING and I'm tuned in, but I love Orange County.
These ladies were the first... and probably my favorites!
Other than wanting to choke Tamara this season, it's going pretty good and I am liking it. Her soft porn, which I previously blogged about here grosses me out and makes me want to vom.
After Real Housewives every week I love to wait around and watch Andy Live...
You can not help but laugh your butt off at the randomness that comes out of his mouth... He def has diarrhea of the mouth! Do you know anyone like that because I do ha?
He is very funny, and it is always entertaining.
This show makes me bust out the Kleenex every dang week...
Ahh I just love it!! It is so good and seems so real. Always makes me thankful and always puts things into perspective. This is a show I do not feel guilty for watching like I do sometimes with the trashbags of OC or wherever lol.
This one is controversial I am positive, and even though I do not understand it, I continue to watch...
I think this is last season's clip art above because now there are 4 WIVES, not 3....
They seem happy I guess.... I think the two funniest things about the show are 1. Kody has like a million and five kids, but drives a two door Lexus convertible top sports car that literally only seats two people...
and 2. No one knows what his "real" job is and how he supports all these people? Well I guess before the show how did he support them? Because now TLC is making them millionaires I am sure!
Lastly, (yes there is actually one more!) is a BRAND NEW show starting tonight that I am excited about...
This picture is a little strange, ha, but I do love all the Kardashians and I think this show will be hysterical....
The preview clips already look very drama filled!!! Can't wait to watch and see :)
Well I think that's it, boy I'm exhausted thinking about all of them!! Is there anything else I am missing on Sunday nights? Please say no, for the sake of four things...
1. my sanity
2. my sleep
3. my DVR recording space
4. my relationship hahaha