Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a weekend

What a weekend.... Shew!
Here's to the CATS! But first...
On Friday I had the privilege of closing a house with some wonderful first time home buyers!! Congratulations to Michelle Silver & Matt Havlin (stole your pic from fbook ha sorry but thanks!)
They were so great to work with and bought a beautiful house that will be perfect for them! I love working with first time buyers, it is the most fun experience! Please keep me in mind if you know anyone I greatly appreciate referrals!
What a game on Friday night...
I think the entire city of Lexington was up all night watching and then too totally pumped to go to bed! It was intense the entire game I felt like...but at least we pulled it off and no thanks to these guys...

Jorts!!! He was the man! We absolutely could not have done it without him...!! Love Him!
Then tonight's game... Another Win! FINAL FOUR baby woohoo!

If I am lucky, maybe I will be blogging from Houston in a week LOL :)
Since it's Sunday and RHWOC comes on tonight, I felt the need to do a little ditty about them this season because I haven't done so yet. Be pictures could include some soft porn from last weekend's episode HAHA
Ohhh Tamara... how you have shown your true colors....classless!

I am so over her I can't stand it! Ugh. Words can't describe. I used to give her the benefit of the doubt because I did sometimes think Simon was a little bit of a control freak... but now I see why... look at her ha. Gross. Get a room, preferably off TV.
As for Gretchen, I do like her!! Im just not too sure about Slade... what do you all think? I think he may be fame-hungry...but I think he really loves her and she loves him! So whatever makes her happy :)

And for Vickie, I feel sorry for her that her and Don are getting a divorce... I do like them, and I feel like they were doing so good and working it out.
Maybe they will re-unite before next season lol you never know!

This is random but I forgot to share that I went to a charity event last week called Bids for Kids, my great sweet friend Noreen took me and it was so nice and such a good time. There was a silent auction (which I love, they are so fun!) but somehow this was the only thing I ended up coming home with...

A BIG basket of goodies for my baby! Treats (which made his butt throw up all night ha sorry if that was TMI), lots of toys and bones and even a new bottle of cologne! He loved it! (Hence the posing next to it for a quick photo op) <3 his little heart!

At church this morning, Ava said in her class she was asked to draw a picture of herself somewhere she is happy... and she chose the beach...this was her picture...

Look at her bikini hahahahaha is that the funniest thing you have ever seen?! So sweet! I don't know what is funnier, the fact that the bathing suit looks like it is from Vicki's and she has huge boobs (she is 6yrs old) HA or the fact that she did this artistic rendering at CHURCH! LOL too funny. made me laugh.

And lastly but very importantly... I will be putting on a NEW listing tomorrow! Great house for sale for all you Lexington friends... more to come later, but here is a sneak peek ;)

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