Brad about Emily...
"You make me lose words. I feel like an idiot around you."
Brad to Emily ...
"I think you have an extreme amount of class and sophistication."
And how sweet is this with little Ricky? Picture Perfect!
I don't even really need to talk about Chantal haha bless her heart... I tried to like her a couple of times, I really did! But it is hard for me to like her when she did this on the first night, her first impression with Brad -
A slap across the face? From "all the women in America" ?? Not this woman! Sorry sister!
Kinda ridic in my opinion. Sorry if you like her. :(
So who do you think Brad will choose? Two, totally opposite choices here (doesn't it always seem that way? They are always opposites at the end!)
I really hope that when Brad is standing there with his last rose...
Looking so cute and handsome... That he will make the right choice and we will end with seeing this...
Cheers to tonight! Hopefully my prediction won't be wrong :( Can't wait to hear everything from "After the Rose" too! Ahhh! Happy Monday!
PS. Look who had her very first sleepover this weekend and she was so cute... have to show pic :)
She was so excited about this cute bag that we had to show it off!